
We reworked the parenting and weighting tools. Basically these tools have been merged into one single tool. Our aim was to make the rigging process easier to understand. We also fixed a few bugs with recognition of zero weighted vertices. We still have not yet fixed a few known limitations (see below).


  • Imp: Modified bones marked with “M” instead of “*”
  • Fix: Wrong set of bones was marked as modified.
  • Imp: Ready for Blender 2.65
  • Imp: merge Weight Copy and Rigging into one panel
  • Imp: Check for zero weighted vertices now only reports if the sum of all vertex weights is zero.
  • New: Added a zero-weight checker to Collada exporter (to avoid exceptions)
  • Imp: Added counters to Rigging panel for parented/unparented meshes.
  • New: Added UnParent Operator (reverse of Parent to Armature).
  • Imp: Added checks to avoid reparenting/weighting already parented attachments
  • Fix: fixed jumping issue when a mesh is frozen and the object is not at the origin.
  • Fix: adjusted foot roll on left foot to take into account SL asymmetry


  • Simplified parenting and weighting panels
  • Added a Detach from armature function.

Known bugs:

  • There is a compatibility issue with Avastar releases prior to update 639. You will be able to open your old files and work with them as usual. But please do not touch the Shape sliders! As soon as you try to change your shape it will loose some of its bones. No workaround known.
  • The Spine attachment bone has a wrong orientation. Thus attachment animations of the aSpine bone will turn the bone upside down. Only the aSpine bone is affected. For all other bones animations work just fine. No workaround known.
  • The .bvh export is broken. Workaround: Use the much more versatile .anim export instead.


  • None


  • Completing the Documentation
  • Review (and partially redo) the existing videos

More Questions ?

Ask Gaia Clary in Second Life, or send email to mailto:gaia.clary@machinimatrix.org

Have Fun

Gaia & Magus & Domino


Where is the Download ?

  • I lost my download link:
    Please check in the FAQ.
  • I already purchased Avastar-1:
    You find the new update in your Jass Download folder.
  • I want to buy Avastar-1:
    You can buy directly from Paypal (see left column of this page), or go to the Jass-Shop in Second Life and purchase from the Avastar-1 vendor.

Important notes:

  • We believe that we have fixed most issues with Avastar by now. However please continue reporting any issues. Every test case can help us to isolate new problems. Special thanks to Darien Caldwell, Optimo Maximus and Eleanora Newell for invaluable remarks and finds.

  • We have tested the new Avastar update on the development version of Blender. Avastar should now run on all Blender 2.6 versions.