If you want to use Blender 2.70 with Primstar or Avastar, then please update your addons as follows:


If you want to use the latest Avastar then you must use Blender 2.70a.  Avastar-1.1 is still in the alpha stage.  To be up to date, always use the highest numbered Avastar which at this time is [avastar_addon_zip] (which can be found in the main inventory area and in the test folder of your download page).  Please review the changelogs and check this page frequently for newer updates.

  • Open your download page
  • Locate and open the testversions subfolder
  • Download the most recent version of Avastar.
  • Install the addon as usual.


Please download the update version 309

Error when enabling after update

Sometime the update appears to be broken and you may get an error message from Blender when you try to enable the Addon:

“ImportError: cannot import name create”

This is a known issue with the Avastar installer.


Please restart Blender after installing or updating to Avastar-1.1. The Addon will then become available.
Hint: You can keep your user preferences intact when you update. Just install over the existing addon and restart blender should work normally.

If nothing helps, then you can try this (at least to users have reported that this finally got them to go):

  1. Install the zip addon.
  2. In the addon tab, type Avastar into the search field.
  3. Verify that Avastar is enabled.
  4. Save user settings.
  5. Restart Blender.
  6. If you are in Blender 2.7x, the Add menu is now at the bottom of the 3D View window.  The shortcut is Shift-A.

If it is stubborn, uninstall Avastar and restart Blender before proceeding with the steps..

Still stubborn?  Set to Factory setting, uninstall Avastar and proceed with the steps.