This is a short summary of the features and fixes that we made since Avastar-2.4-1 and which will become available in the next major release.
Note: the next release is not yet available!
Features improved or added since Avastar -2.4-1
- Export of static (not rigged) Objects now fully implemented
- Switching from one Workflow preset to another is now much faster
- Synchronization of animation bones with deform bones can now be disabled on demand
- When generating Weight from Bones then SPine Bones are only weighted when visible
- Improved weighting of SL Eyes and Custom Eyes
- Binding now has a Redo operator for interactive binding
- Binding can now be limited to selectable bone groups
- Unbinding has now an option to restore the original mesh to avoid unprecisions
- Binding is now precise (no vertex shifting) and the reference mesh is now the original mesh
- Improve recovery from broken RIg information (now report errors instead of tracedumps)
- Unbind now unbinds all child meshes when only the armature is selected
- weight Copy: Add option to generate symmetric weight map for symetric bones
- weight copy: Now allows to set options before calling the generator
- Meshes now also get a Revision number when bound to an Avastar rig
- Zero weights checker tool now has an optional minimum weight value filter
- Improved tool tips and messages in the Blender console
- The Avastar Maintenence Panel gives better information when login fails
- Devkit manager and copyrig tool: now allows to specify the UP Axis (Z or Y)
Features fixed since Avastar -2.4-1
- IK Target for Right leg corrected
- IK Alignement fixed
- IK Constraints now also work when Blender internationalization is enabled
- Spine Bones now correctly weighted depending on their folding state
- Spine Bones now Bound depending on their visibility
- Fitting Sliders at extreme Positions no longer result in tracedumps in the Blender console
- PEC Sliders can now be set to 0 without creating a tracedump in the blender console
- BVH Animations exported by Avastar no longer have an artificial offset in Z
- BVH Loop Calculator now takes SL oddities into account (fiorst frame plays 3 times)
- HIP Compatibility mode now takes care of the related collision volume and attachment bone
- Armature is no longer displayed on all layers after Rig upgrade
- Mesh container is now moved to correct hierarchy level after upgrade
- Rig Update Tool now relocates Armature modifier correctly
- Rig Update tool no longer drops deform flag after upgrade