
We get more and more requests from users who have lost their complete information about their purchase. In the past we offered help by stepping into our Database and looking for alternative email addresses, ALT avatars, purchase dates etc. But we can no longer do this.

Please take care of your download link by yourself!

Recover Self Service

The recovery of your download link differs depending from where you purchased ( from Jass in SL or from Paypal on our Website). Please try this option first. It will help in most cases.

When the recovery failed

If the download recovery procedure as described above fails, then you can ask us to do a manual recovery if:

  • you provide a Paypal transaction ID
  • or a webshop Order ID
  • or a purchase ID

If this applies to you, then please provide the requested information by creating a ticket in our ticket system.

Total Loss

If you lost all information about your purchases then we can no longer help you to recover your product downloads.
In that case we only can offer you to purchase again.